Minor Updates in the Future

I want to give you a quick update on what is coming and what to expect over the next couple of days.

First, thank you to all that has contributed to this blog thus far. It has been a huge success and I intend to put a little more effort in getting your articles up on a more timely basis! I have been swamped over the past few weeks with vacation and catching up on my real work. I have found over the last 11 months that there are actually people out on the internet that find our (your) work helpful or at least that is what they say. As Pacino said in Scent of a Woman, Whoo AAAA. I love that movie.

As some of you know I am as technical savvy as my 3 year old daughter. I have little understanding of how this works and why so many people hit this site. I have been trying to figure out how to make this into more than just a blog and with some help from you we have been somewhat successful or somewhat not. A few complaints / recommendations over the past several months are as followed:

  • There is no place for profiles or top contributors
  • Somewhat hard to navigate
  • Want more interaction
  • Easier way to submit articles without emailing them
  • Open up more topics
  • Do a Question and Answer section on the blog
  • Create more of a research tool and less of a marketing tool
  • Accept articles that are not so spammy
  • Create a better looking site

There were others that landed on my to-do list and I will get around to them later. I first appreciate the feedback and will do a better job trying to respond quicker. Let me comment on all of these items.

There is no place for profiles or top contributors – WordPress (the blogging service I use) tries to keep SEO tactics to a minimum and why I know that you probably want certain posts linking back to you for credit, I am going to take a pass on this for now. As you already know you can link to your posts but I think if we started opening up profiles they may consider it spam and that is not what we are all about here. I don’t even get paid for this thing. If you want a link that bad I posted a few months ago about putting certain contributors in my blogroll just as long as the sites were relevant and you are an attorney.

Somewhat hard to navigate – What can I say, you are right. I have tried countless amounts of time to change the code on this thing (I have no clue what I’m doing) but it doesn’t allow for it since its a free service. There are certain things you can do and not do on this service and that is one thing I can’t do. So my quick fix is the following. I plan to make the front page (default page) into a portal page with links out to your information. This will make it much easier to navigate. I’m still working on how to set it up because it will require some tweaking but its doable. Check back in the next few days for the change. However, if it doesn’t look right I’m changing the default setting back.

Want more Interaction – Interaction for what? I’m assuming you mean interaction with people that have questions regarding certain blog posts? If you want me to open up your posts for comments let me know. I tried to keep them close for several reasons, one being I don’t have time to answer questions, and I’m not the one that should be answering these questions. The posts that I do on this blog I keep open for comments, but the articles are up to you. It would also require to track your posts so that if someone comments or has a question, you can answer them.

Easier Way to Submit Articles – I’m working on it. The only problem is putting the code into a page. I will keep on trying so check back. I am also investigating the user options on this thing and may just start passing out a username password so you can publish these posts yourself. It does give me an option to assign contributors and this would really help me out to boot.

Open up more Topics – Suggest them and if they make sense I will open them up. I have about all that I could find and many are still sitting blank, so if you have suggestions, I’m all ears.

Q & A on this Blog – I tested it and got bombarded with emails. Its just too much to handle. I went out and found a site, which I think was recommended by someone here. I would love to have some sort of Q & A on this site but if it requires me to post every single question its not going to happen. On a given week I get around 10 – 15 questions and I don’t even promote Q & A. Could you imagine the time it would take me if I did! So my recommendation would be to use the site that I recommended at least for now. Again though, if it can be done without having to monitor it every single second tell me how to do it and I will consider it. In the meantime jump over to that other site.

Create more of a research tool and less of a marketing tool – I’m not in the research nor marketing business. This comment mainly came from visitors i.e. dissatisfied visitors I guess. That is just out of my scope. I also never considered this a marketing tool. I feel like this is a blog of legal information and nothing more. I guess if you consider the links going to the contributors a marketing tool than I suppose you may be right. For now I don’t have the time to gather all the laws on each state nor barely write this post. If someone would like to create a small research tool, send me the content and I will post it in a research category.

Accept articles that are not so spammy – If you guys think these are spammy you should see what I don’t publish! I have done a better job in looking over all the submissions. I also have a guy that is gathering other articles and sends them over to me. As a team effort, I would call it a success thus far. My suggestion would be to tell me which articles look really spammy and I will remove them if I agree. I personally know about 90-95% of these posts are good posts with a ton of helpful information. Tell me what the other 5-10% and I will look at them.

Create a Better looking Site – I recently changed out the template and I think this looks much better! I love the look and got some decent feedback from many of you. I made the change about 3 days ago.

For the most part all positive feedback accept from a few, although I did enjoy the emails from all. I will begin making changes asap. I am also looking for other cool and exciting sites that are geared towards the legal community so I can make people aware of their options when looking for legal information. If anyone has recommendations continue to send them. Also, let me know how you feel about this template.

36 Responses

  1. Its great to see you are still alive. I was about to turn off the computer and saw the feed come through. I noticed the change to the template yesterday. OUTSTANDING!!! I am a blue and green type of guy. Major update, long post, and actively pursuing a new front page; 3 things that quite frankly are shocking to me coming from you. Keep up the good work!

  2. Take of the training wheels the kid is making major changes. I like the new look a lot. I know you didn’t design this template. I will answer your research response for those who emailed you. Its called WestLaw or Lexis if you want research and you pay for it.

    I’ve noticed that we can link our website to these comments W.D.??? Extra Marketing opportunities whoooo AAAA. That was a lame email as well. I guess the spammy comment explains why my posts never make it on this site. Submission here we come.

  3. I need interaction with someone tonight! Richy Rich, great switch my friend. How about a little front page love for the fellows. I like the idea of the static page, can’t wait to see it. Can you resend me over the web address again when you get a chance. I lost your email.

    Great Job!

  4. Hello,
    I would like to make a quick comment. I have never submitted nor do I intend to submit posts to your blog, however, I do read your blog on a weekly basis. I think there’s a lot of great information on this blog and I have referred this site over to many of my friends that have had legal issues in the past. I am a legal junky to say the least.

    I am commenting not so much on the listed bullet points but of your options with this blog. WordPress will allow you to download the software and host it elsewhere Many of the changes that you are going to do will require some sort of programmatic changes to the code behind the scene. I offer you advice at no charge if you decide that you want to host this site elsewhere.

    One of the sites that you have recommended on this blog is also taking submissions much like you but they use a form rather than email and yes its a wordpress blog. The other thing to consider is changing the static page without your sidebars which would require change in the code.

    If you decide to make the switch feel free to email me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance to you.

  5. I think the new look is great. Can’t wait to see the other changes.

  6. Much better than the last 2 templates, splendid. Also, give yourself a little more credit.

  7. Gidddeee Up… Good work RC.

  8. Better than before

  9. Much better look

  10. I like the older look but this one is much better

  11. Rich, if you or your partner decide to make a switch I too can help you out a little. You can give me a call and I will have someone on my staff walk you through getting it all set-up. I will however have to charge you my going consultation fee of $1000 an hour, first 3 minutes are on the house!

  12. New look is much better

  13. I personally like the older look better but this one isn’t that bad.

  14. Are you blind Tiki Toy?

  15. Just one persons opinion Toby. Stating the facts and nothing but the facts.

  16. What is everyone doing up so late? Thanks for the feedback and go to bed. To-Do’s and GL thanks for the offer. I looked into hosting this site elsewhere but wordpress does such a good job and from what I’m told it would be way over my head to host it anywhere else. I can’t even download a word document regardless of a software program. If I do decide to take this blog elsewhere I will contact the both of you for help. Should have never offered!!!

  17. Oh and one other thing, bookmark or save this link because I don’t know where it will end up once I switch to the static home page.. Come back to it and let me know what you think about the static page.

    As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

  18. What do you mean by static page. We won’t see our post on the front of your blog now? Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose of posting?

  19. Skip,

    Actually not at all. They will still end up in the category and most recent posts will still be on the front. The change is going to be made to make it easier to find your posts. I got several emails regarding navigation and after thinking about it for a few weeks its true. I need to do a better job in grouping these things together. For the readers, its a bit confusing. The last 10 will still be on the front page with a link. The categories will go away from the sidebar and be on the static page within the right practice areas. Once I do the switch you will see it will make much more sense.

  20. I do understand the navigation of the site is important but equally important is good SEO for the pages that we submit. I submit these articles with the intentions of getting them found. Anyone who submits articles here would agree. By switching over to a static page, our articles don’t get your pagerank hence it defeats the purpose. Your comments??? Have you even thought about this yet???

  21. I can’t please everyone and you are wrong. I will still have the last 10 articles linking from the first page. The pagerank is irrelevant to me at this point and navigation is much more important for the time being. I changed the template and I saw a huge spike in our numbers. If I change the way this thing navigates we will continue to see these spikes and I’m sure it will benefit you in the long run. I wouldn’t worry about it for now. Again, the last 10 posts will be linked to the static page so no worries at all.

  22. Skip, just be happy you are allowed to contribute here in the first place. If you don’t want to submit your posts because he is changing this site around a little bit than don’t submit. I’m sure you won’t be missed.

  23. It came out the wrong way, just trying to help, sorry!! 🙂

  24. This is a very nice site and it looks great.

  25. Hey everyone, I was just searching for some legal information and I found this. How did that happen. Well I guess I should skedaddle. Where can I find information on Criminal Law?

  26. Try searching in this category..

  27. I like it a lot… Good Morning Folks, Late NIGHT!???

  28. Golden look much better – late night and early morning

  29. Much Better, keep up the good work and dedication, much appreciated.

  30. Rich, I really like the way the new site looks. Much better than the other look and feel.

  31. OK the first part is complete. I just created the static page and its our legal portal page. When you submit and article now it would show up on the first page or at least the post.

    I have gotten my partner in crime to begin the legal marketing talk for you attorneys looking to get better web rankings and I will keep this section open for updates. I will probably continue to screw around a bit with this first page for a while but for now I think it looks pretty good and much better to navigate. If you have suggestions email me when you get a chance.

  32. I really like what you did here. Looks great! If I could make a suggestion; you have the practice areas listed going to the archive articles, perhaps you get someone to write information related to that topic and have related articles under the topic. Just seems that it would flow a little better. In any case, much improved and much easier to navigate.

  33. Thanks Skip for the feedback. I will certainly consider this when looking for new and improved ideas. If you get a chance perhaps you can help me out with this project. I can always you a helping hand…!!!

  34. Hi,

    You mentioned in other posts that you would be interested in learning about new products and services related to the legal field. Can we have a conversation about a new legal service that is now being provided on the internet? I think you will really like it? Perhaps you can post something here on your blog about this service.

    How can I reach you?

  35. Hi Brian,

    Feel free to email me with your contact information. I’m always interested in new and exciting services! You can also submit an overview of the service and I will post it.

  36. I have recommended doing a link exchange to your site. I’ve seen you changed the links on the sidebar / blog links. How can we get our site on your sidebar? I would like to do a link exchange to your site. Please advice

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